IHCWAYのマンツーマン英会話 クリフ先生(アメリカ英語ネイティブ)
CNNのニュースを題材にした授業、音読やディクテーションなど、さまざまな効果的な方法を取り入れることができます。 また、スカイプを使ったオンラインレッスンやビジネス英語にも対応しています。
I come from San Francisco, California, and I’m currently studying for a year at Waseda University at the School of International Liberal Studies.
I came to Japan with hopes of finding a suitable work for my talents, and with the help of IHCWAY, I able to find a working environment to apply my linguistic and English background.
Working for IHCWAY has truly been a great experience not only because of the lenient work schedule and great staff support, but also because the students IHCWAY has assigned to me have always been diligent and ready to learn.
Regardless of their level of English competency, they show up every week prepared and enthusiastic to learn—it has made teaching worthwhile. That alone has been the greatest part of this job.