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Kyle MacStravick先生(英語)


Gregory Vlant先生(英語)

  Hello all !!
My name is Greg Vlant and I am from Melbourne, Australia. I am a fun, but serious individual in both my personal and professional life.
I consider myself to be somewhat of an adventurer, liking to learn what it is like to live in a different culture.
Japan has a very different way of life to Australia, and I might add to alot of other countries around the world. I guess that is what is most attractive about this country.
Other that being an native English speaker, I am also able to speak Greek extremely well. This is due to my background being Greek. In Australia I used to teach English to International University Students who needed help with assignments and essays. They more so wanted to widen their vocabulary range at most, but also understand proper structure an so forth.
Other than teaching in Australia, I have worked in several different jobs over the course of the last ten years. Begining in the most easiest of jobs, at a fast food restaurant then moving up the ranks and moving around to different jobs. Whether it was retail clothing sales, or selling food, working in a cafe, working for a phone company, washing dishes, cooking, or even building, I always believed that you gained some kind of experience that is a stepping stone for something new.
Aside from the teaching and other paid jobs that I have done, I also am interested in Film-making. I have made two short films in Australia and am currently writing a third one to try and film in Japan. Japanese film has been quite an influence for my style and therefore the main reason for my reason in Japan.
In any case, with my teaching style, I am very open and easy, patient, but quite serious that you learn and understand what you are doing. I take time to explain and care that you are happy with the results. I am able to teach English in a few different styles, depending on what you want to learn and for what reason. But, basically in the end, give you more depth and meaning to what you are saying, or writing, or reading, or listening to.
Well, everyone, you take care have fun..

Dominik Hoepfner先生(ドイツ語)

  Guten Tag, mein Name ist Dominik Hoepfner. Ich arbeite seit Januar fuer IHCWAY als Deutschlehrer und liebe den Beruf.
Ich habe bereits schon mehrere Schueler, mit denen ich Deutschunterricht mache. Im Laufe dieser 3 Monate habe ich bereits seinen sehr guten Weg gefunden um meinen Schuelern die deutsche Sprache besser beibringen zu koennen.
Die deutsche Sprache ist oft eine sehr bildliche Sprache und um meinen Schuelern das Lernen zu vereinfachen, erklaere ich ihnen auch bildlich die Bedeutung der Woerter. Ich habe gemerkt, dass das meinen Schuelern sehr gut geholfen hat und viele von ihnen sich bereits sehr gesteigert haben. Das macht mich als Lehrer natuerlich auch sehr froh.Ich wuerde mich also freuen wenn noch andere Schueler, die Interesse an der deutschen Sprache haben, ihren Weg zu mir finden wuerden.
Mit meiner "bildlichen" Erklaerung wird euch vieles leichter fallen und ich denke das ihr euch sehr steigern werdet.
Mit freundlichen Gruessen

Dominik Hoepfner

Barbara Baude先生(フランス語)

  Bonjour et enchantée ! Je m'appelle Barbara, j'ai 24 ans et je viens de Normandie.
J'ai étudié le japonais à l'Université à Paris, donc je peux parler japonais si besoin. J'aime enseigner cette très belle langue qui est le français et partager mes connaissances.
Pendant mes cours, nous pratiquons beaucoup l'oral, la grammaire et le vocabulaire de façon ludique et intéressante.
J'essaie de varier la méthode d'enseignement pour que les cours ne deviennent pas ennuyeux et afin que les élèves progressent le plus vite possible.
Merci d'avance et à très bientôt !

Daniel Andreano先生(英語)

  Hello everybody,
To start off, my name is Daniel Andreano. I am 21 years old and a student at the University of Virginia in the US. Currently I am am an exchange student at Sophia University (上智大学) studying Japanese and have been here in Japan for 6 months. As I student, I understand the difficulty that comes from trying to learn a language.
Teaching through IHCWAY has become of my most enjoyable experiences while studying abroad. I hope to one day come back to Japan and teach English at high schools. So I especially enjoy the opportunity to not only build strong relationships with my students, but also to see how they improve from week-to-week. I think that is one of the best reasons to learn through IHCWAY. Having the chance to get so much face-to-face speaking practice and share each others culture.
I make an effor to push my students to speak as much as they can, not just in the classroom but also during the week when they aren't meeting with me. Still, I hope that people won't hesitate to send me questions by e-mail during the week.
I hope we will meet each other soon, and motivate each other to learn!


Todd Marshal先生(英語)


Richard Sutcliffe先生(英語)

  Hello IHCWAY students. My name is Richard from Halifax, West Yorkshire, England.
I have been working for IHCWAY for almost 6 months now, and in that time I have met many interesting new people from all sorts of backgrounds and abilities.
Of course, I was a little apprehensive about teaching at first, but as time went by and I got to know my students, I found teaching not to be as daunting as I originally expected. I actually enjoyed doing it, especially when I could see my students improve.
I can tell you from my own experience, it is vital to constantly target a student's language weakness if they ever wish to improve, and that does mean a lot of hard work, both in lesson time and at home. Repetition seems to be the key to this, as repetition forms habits that imprint in the student's mind.
I'm also always telling my students to read English texts in their own time (preferably aloud). Even if it's for 5/10 minutes a day. They can then see how the English language is structured.
Overall, I love the freedom IHCWAY gives you to pick and choose your lessons. It has given me the chance to customize my lifestyle, so not only do i get to meet a lot of new people and exchange cultural differences, but I also have enough free time to see the beauty of Japan.

Happy learning, Mina san.

Richard, England.

Jason Sleith先生(英語)

  Working for IHCWAY was a great experience for me.
The freedom to arrange times and locations that suited both me and my students was a great advantage to them and myself. I not only got to meet a broad spectrum of the people living and working in Tokyo but within the part of the city that I chose to work, I got the chance to explore and come to know more about the layout of where I was living.
When students thanked me after their TOEIC scores had improved, I felt great satisfaction. They had learnt more English and in nearly ever lesson I had learnt more about Japan's culture, festivals, holidays, family/working life and food (I maybe learnt about and enjoyed the food too much, as after a year in Tokyo I had gained over 20 kilos).
Now I am back in the U.K and I am missing the time that I spent in Tokyo. I hope that in the future I will return and be able to further improve my knowledge of Japan and it's culture aswell as help more people increase their knowledge of the English language.

Jason Sleith,

Sandro Schwaderer 先生(英語・ドイツ語・イタリア語)

また、専門はコンピューターで、アイルランド等英語圏 のコンピューター会社に勤めておられたので、ビジネスレベルの英語も堪能です。
  Hello there!
I’m Sandro from Germany and I teach English and German at IHCWAY. In Japan,everything is really new and exciting to me. The reason for my stay here is to get to know Japanese language and culture as well as I possibly can.
So, I am really looking forward to getting to know as many people as possible. I like to think that my work at IHCWAY lets me do just that: share experiences with many people from a different culture – and if I can help others to improve their English at the same time, much the better.
When it comes to learning foreign languages, believe me, I’ve had my fair share: I speak not only English and German, but am fluent also in Italian and French.
It is never easy to learn a new language; whether one is just at the beginning or a bit more advanced – it always takes a lot of effort and hard work to reach that next level. The good thing is, you are not the only one having difficulties! And as a teacher I want to guide you and help you achieving your goal in a fun and relaxed atmosphere with lessons tailored to your individual interests.
I am really looking forward to hearing from you.


Robert Harper先生(英語)

Robert Harper先生はアメリカ出身。日本が大好きで、とても愉快な、プラス思考の先生です。
  Hajimemashite! My name is Robert Harper and I am from New Jersey in the United States.
In the United States, I was in the Information Technology field, managing networks and teaching clients how to use new technologies.
I also spent a lot of my time in the U.S. recording music and editing video for a small AV company. In between time I study Japanese. Japanese is not easy to learn but I enjoy the challenge.
I enjoy everything about Japan since my first trip a few years ago. Who can resist the countless bowls of ramen, or the endless cans of melon soda? And let’s not forget those delightful Gari Gari-kun treats. My favorite! There are never enough for me. I enjoy each day here in Japan by absorbing the Japanese language and the culture.
I find that some of the same practices in teaching IT are just as helpful to students of English. As a teacher of English the three skills I hold to my success are patience, listening skills and effective communication.
At the same time, learning should be fun, so I attempt create a fun learning environment for my students. I understand the challenges of learning English, because I encounter some of the same challenges as I learn Japanese.
I believe learning a new language requires valuable teaching and constant reinforcement. I believe IHCWAY provides valuable teachers to its students while offering the most convenient and efficient way to learn. If you are serious about learning English, never give up.

Minna-san Ganbatte!

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